Monday, September 20, 2010

When a man loves a woman . . .

When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found
If she's bad he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he put her down . . .

I love this song recorded by Percy Sledge (redone by Michael Bolton in the early 90's).  The lyrics ooze a story of sweet, sweet love. 

Has any recording artist captured your love story in song?  Do you have a story that goes along with the song?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Fashion

With Fall fast approaching, it's time to start pulling out sweaters and boots, and assessing those wardrobes!  What is your favorite thing about fall fashion?  Do you love warm, cozy sweaters?  Are you looking forward to hats and scarves?  What stores have you favorite fall style options?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Connected Kids

Facebook, twitter, blogging, texting.  All of these electronic means of communication are permeating our day to day lives more and more.  How old do you think a child should before they begin to use these things?  At what age would you allow a facebook account?  When will you get your child their first cell phone?  Do they already have it?  What restrictions will be in place to make sure that they use it responsibly?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dividing the Pot

With financial issues being cited as one of the #1 reasons that many couples get divorced, how do you think that the issue of money should be handled?  Do you think that couples should keep separate bank accounts, or combine finances?  How do you feel about each spouse having their "own" bills?  Does it matter if one spouse makes more than the other?  What about SAHMs?  What happens if one spouse loses their job?

(We understand that money can be a VERY private matter.  Please don't let that deter you from sharing your opinion!  You don't have to tell what your actual situation is, but feel free to let us know how you think it SHOULD be!)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Never Say Never...

"Not have enough time to take a shower? Me? Uh, Uh, never." That's what I always thought when I saw moms complaining of not having enough time to get things done.  Now?  One of my biggest frustrations is finding the time to workout, and then not being able to get in a shower immediately after. Hmph.  It's crazy really, the amount of things I claimed would "never" happen to me once I had a baby.  And guess what?  That list is probably just getting started, and only going to get bigger.  Amazingly, I still find myself thinking "I will never let Izzy do that." Yeah.  We'll see, lol.

What are some things you swore you would never do with your kids that you did, indeed, end up doing?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Makes me feel so good . . .

I love when my husband makes me feel like he appreciates me.  It can take lots of forms.  Flowers. Dinner.  A card. A hug.  A simple Thank You. 

What are some things that your significant other does to  make you smile?  Makes your day after working 10 hours?  Simply makes you feel . . . . appreciated?  And what do you do when you want want him to feel the same?
photo credit

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day!!!!

Hey Ladies,

TMSG is taking a break for the US Holiday, Labor Day.  We'll be back for great conversation on Tuesday.  Enjoy your Holiday!!  photo credit

History of Labor Day

Friday, September 3, 2010

It was THAT perfect . . .

He picked you up ON TIME and brought you pink roses.  He held open the door, pushed in your chair as you sat and let you order first . . . 

Was it that perfect?  Did you laugh for the entire date?  Or did you wonder why your sister set you up with this loser?  Did you make an instant "love connection" or did it take a couple tries to get it right? 

On your first date with your significant other, what did you do and what was it like?  (photo credit)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

THE Talk . . .

On Monday, as my husband was dealing with the extremely important fantasy football draft, I had the rare opportunity to be in possession of the remote control.  As I was flipping channels, I found the Lifetime movie The Pregnancy Pact, which is Lifetime's interpretation of the true story of 18 girls at a Massachusetts high school. As I was watching, I started thinking about THE talk.  Teen pregnancy rates are out of this world.  Every client I interview about sexual activity  tells me they've been active since about the age of 14.  One of my 13 year old clients came to me one day and told me his 13 year old girlfriend WAS pregnant, but her mother made her get an abortion. (photo credit)

What is happening??? Are parents waiting too late to have the talk?  Does the talk not work anymore?  When did you get the talk?  When/how do you plan on having it with your children?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Power Struggle

How would you handle a situation in which you and your child's father diasagree about certain parenting choices?  Discipline, grades, curfew, etc, etc.  Does the age of the child matter?  Does it matter if the two of you are in a relationship?  Would the child's gender be a factor? Weigh in!