Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Going Under the Knife

Would you ever consider having any cosmetic procedures done to your face?  Botox, fillers? More drastic things like a nose job, or brow lift?  Would your decision change if money weren't an option?  What about smaller things, like teeth whitening, chemical peels?  Have you ever done any of these things? (we won't tell!)
(photo credit)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Love Handles

Would you feel comfortable approaching your significant other with concerns about their weight?  What about if they approached you about yours?  If your spouse gained a large amount (30lbs+) of weight, would you ask them to lose it? Would you be mad if they asked you to? Do you think that a drastic change in weight can affect the dynamics of your relationship?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting Gussied Up!

Do you take the time to fix your hair, and do your makeup every day?  If so, do you do it first thing in the morning?  Do you stay in PJ's until your spouse is 5 minutes away from home?  Are you a liner and gloss girl, or full on, cover-shoot ready?  Let us know, and don't be afraid to share what products and brands you use!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

When homewreckers attack . . .

Angenlina Jolie . . .  Alicia Keys . . . Gabrielle Union . . . Fantasia Barrino . . . All of these these women have been dubbed "homewreckers."  Are they really???

Don't get me wrong.  They met married men, got involved and maintained relationships with these men.  One got married and two of them have children (one currently pregnant) with those married men.  But why are THEY the homewreckers?  When did they take the vows?  When did they promise "forsaking all others . . . I choose you"?  Granted, they could exercise a level of morality and recognize their actions were wrong, but none of these women were married.  Some how they are responsible for breaking up households, that they did not even set up.  Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren's divorce was finalized on 8/23/10.  Tiger has been called a number of different things, but I have yet to hear him be called a homewrecker.  Ummm . . . isn't what he did the epitome of wrecking his home?  Is there some sort of societal double standard that absolves husbands' of their responsibility of maintaining their marriages/households and somehow all the responsibility lies on outside entities?  What do you think?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

...You Know What They Say..

  "You know what they say about babies who develop fast, don't you?" If I hear that statement one more time, just ONE MORE, I just may scream.  Because what "they" say is that when baby hit their development milestones "early", it means they're getting out of the way for the next baby.   My daughter just turned 8 months old, and has recently begun taking steps on her own.  My mom, grandmother seem to ask me every day "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Yes mom, I'm sure I'm not pregnant. Same time tomorrow?  If a child's rate of development starts affecting the efficacy of birth control, someone let me know.
I'm not ready to be pregnant again.  Ideally, I would like Izzy to be approaching at least 2 years old we start working on our 2nd child.

How many years apart are your children?  How long do you want to wait before having another?  Even if it's different from what YOU want to do, what do you think is the ideal age between siblings?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Is it Fate or just a Fling

Boy do we have a hot topic for you today. We also have a fabulous feature blogger. Ms. Baby Plan at The Baby Plan submitted this topic:

Although you love your husband, something has changed between the two of you and lately you have started to fantasize about a guy at work. In your heart you know you still love your spouse, but you cannot help how you are feeling about this new person. You really start to believe it is love. At home, you become distant and start behaving strangely. You tell one of your best friends how you feel. Together you start to observe this guy to see if he has any feelings for you.

The chance comes and you find yourself telling this person how much you like him. Lucky you. He likes you too... as a friend. He goes on to say that you are great but he does not want to ruin his relationship.

If you are really hardcore head over heels for him, what do you understand from his statement,"does not want to ruin his relationship [with you]"?

What do you do after that episode and why? Lets go wild with our minds and chat.

Is there a "right time" . . . .

 . . . to get married??  Is there a right age?  20's?  30's?  40's???  Should you complete your educational goals first?  Buy you own place? Travel the world? 

What do you think?  Is there are age that is better for marriage and what did/would you need to accomplish in your life in order to be ready for marriage?  How long is long enough to date before you should be saying I Do?

photo credit

Friday, August 20, 2010

Next stop . . . the Academy Awards

It feel really good to be recognized for doing a good job.  No blogger feels complete until they've gotten their first BLOG AWARD!!!  And we'd like to thank Ms. Baby Plan of The Baby Plan for thinking so highly of us to give us this little beauty.

In order to accept this award, we have to list 7 things about ourselves.  Well, here we go:

  1. Believe it or not, we are both Mrs. Jones.  Welcome to bizzaro world.
  2. We are both married to men who are 6'4".  We swear it's not the same dude, LOL.
  3. We both  love the fall season. . . . the weather is perfect and the fashion is at it's best.
  4. We both rock afros al a Pam Grier from the 70's . . . well, not as big YET.
  5. We both LOVE our legs.  Christina's legs are long and go on forever.  The shape of Ms. Understood's legs can stop traffic (and has).
  6. We both can't get enough CHOCOLATE.
  7. Lastly, we both LOVE talking to you so don't forget to come back and visit.
Who else would be give this award to but to our most loyal readers.  Ms. Baby Plan, one of our most loyal readers, gave us this award and we believe we should pass that love along.
  1. CK at Made by Bedtime Tales
  2. Rose's Daughter @ My Life
  3. Rhonda @ Motivation Mama Drama
  4. Margaret @ The World As I See It (Margaret is the best.  She also retweets our blog posts)
  5. Mrs. R @ Mrs. R
  6. Brown Eyed Girl @ Tales of a Brown Eyed Girl
  7. Krissy @ The Musings of Me 
These ladies are staples here on our blog and they have amazing blogs themselves.  Please visit and give them some blog love.  We have so many other regulars that we would love to award and will make sure to spread the love around next go round.

      Thursday, August 19, 2010

      Are Product Recalls Fair?

      Very recently, there has been an influx in products being recalled.  In the case of a product that is unsafe, I think we can all agree that yes, it should be recalled, to protect consumers from harm.  But what about situations where a product is used incorrectly,causing harm to a consumer.  Is it fair to that company to have to incur the expense and bad publicity of recalling a safe ( if used correctly, according to included instructions) product?

      Wednesday, August 18, 2010

      The Best Time of Your Life

      "Ohhh, pregnancy is so wonderful.  I love(d) being pregnant, enjoy this time!"  If you're pregnant, have ever been pregnant, or will ever be pregnant, you've heard it, will hear it, or maybe you've even said it!  You may agree wholeheartedly, or you may disagree, with a passion.  Either way, let's share!  What was/is your favorite part of being pregnant?  What did you hate?  For the ladies who haven't experienced pregnancy yet, what happy moments are you anticipating?

      Tuesday, August 17, 2010

      Bring it back?

      Acid wash jeans? Slouch socks? Stirrup pants? Crop tops?  What about hairstyles?  The Farrah Fawcett?  The Jennifer Anniston?  A Pam Grier Afro?

      What fashions would you love to make a comeback.  What current fashions do you wish would make a quick exit.

      photo source:
      Pam Grier
      stirrup pants
      acid wash pants

      Monday, August 16, 2010

      Power plays in the bedroom

      photo credit

      I was talking to Audrey of I'm So Aud (@Im_So_Aud) about the forever of marriage, blending lives and what throws a wrench in the plans.  I mentioned that using sex as a power tool was one of the many things that can break down marriage.

      Let's get real here.  When he comes home late after hanging out with the fellas, he forgot to pick up the dry cleaning like you asked (again) and for the third day in a row you tripped over his shoes that he left at the door, do you suddenly "have a headache"?  If he doesn't do what you want him to do, do you ration the goodies? Is there ever a time bedroom power plays are okay?

      Friday, August 13, 2010

      You, a friend and Fashion Week, NY

      You. Look. Fabulous. Rocking your skinny jeans, stiletto heels and sunglasses. The ensemble screams . . . I'm a star!! You're rubbing elbows with fashion industry execs as you watch models rip the runway. Can you imagine it? You, at Fashion Week, NY, and you are VIP . . . . And then you woke up right? Wrong!

      You and a friend could be VIP at the unveiling of the Academy of Art University's Spring 2011 Collection at Fashion Week in New York. This contest is not exclusive to Tell Me Something Good readers, however, the Interactive Media Specialist, Mr. Henson Gawliu, approached us and asked us to present this opportunity to our readers. To enter visit : http://www.academyart.edu/fashion-school/new-york-fashion-week-contest.html
      Good luck to all who plan to enter.

      If you were going to fashion week:
      1. Who would you take with you?
      2. What would you dream outfit be?
      3. Which designer's show would you love to view?

      Thursday, August 12, 2010

      The Divorce epidemic

      According to data from 2008 statistics, The Center of Disease Control reported the following:

      There are 7.1 marriages for every 1000 total population
      There are 3.5 divorces for every 1000 total population (44 states and DC reporting)

      Roughly, that's about 1 out of every 2 marriages ending in divorce.
      Essentially, if you are married and your best friend is married, odds are one of your marriages isn't going to make it.

      Weddings are a MAJOR money making business from TV shows to $1000 wedding cakes. Everybody and their momma has a dating reality show.   But marriage?  How much is really invested into creating "forever" unions?  Is it supposed to last forever??   What are your thoughts on what is causing the divorce epidemic?

      Wednesday, August 11, 2010

      Putting Baby In A Corner..

      Although my daughter (8 months) is too young to be disciplined beyond being told "no" and having her attention redirected, I've been wondering about the appropriate age for discipline.  Discipline can be a somewhat hot-button issue, but my question today is less about how you discipline your child, but more about what age that discipline began.  How old was your child when you felt they were old enough to understand being disciplined?  Whatever form of discipline you use, do you feel that it works?

      Tuesday, August 10, 2010


      Beauty regimens!  We all have them, right?  Maybe you're one of those women who is very consitent with hers, netting great results, and great skin to boot!  Or....maybe you're like me, and do it 2 times, forget to on that 3rd attempt, and then never do it again!  In any case, share your secrets for beautiful skin, but don't forget to share the secret of implementing them every day!

      Monday, August 9, 2010

      Is it possible . . . to just be friends?

      He's tall, dark and handsome and you've always
       thought it was cute the way he has a crooked smile and a dimple in his left check . . .  but you and he have always been just friends. You aren't interested in him "like that" and he's not interested in you.  You both had relationships with other people, which eventually lead to your marriages.  Does your friendship have to stop?  Can you still talk on the phone?  Text?  Hang out?  Do you think it's possible to just be friends.
       photo credit

      Saturday, August 7, 2010

      Thank You!

      Oh my gosh.  What a week this has been.  We've gotten lots of great visitors.  Great conversations.  AND 31 fabulous followers.  Thank you so much ladies.  You don't know how much we appreciate your interest and support. We look forward to continuing to learn about you all, connect with you, and share as much as we can.  We have so much in store for this blog, and we are glad to have you along for the ride!

      Friday, August 6, 2010

      When you think of them

      If you've read my blog, you know I love to reminisce about life and the people who have touched me along the way.  The awful truth about life is the longer you live, the more people you will lose.  I lost my mom when I was 19 years old. I miss her so much, but what I love to think about was our happy times together. How do you like to remember the people you've lost?  Do you have a fond memory or an experience with a lost loved one?

      I'll share one of mine that tickles me pink.  I had to be about 12 or 13 years old.  I was walking down the hallway of our home from my bedroom to either the family room or the kitchen (can't remember).  As I turned the corner to continue down the hall, I saw my mother in the dining room trying to grab a casserole dish out of the hutch.  She dropped it.  Then she dropped the S-bomb.  I gasped because I had never heard her curse before.  She looked up at and smiled.  You know that smile.  She sheepish grin of someone who just got caught.  We never spoke about it and I never heard her curse again, but in that moment, we made an unspoken vow to keep the secret (oops . . . now I've told the blog world).

      So what's you fond memory? Funny story? Favorite way to remember your lost loved one?

      Thursday, August 5, 2010

      Why Get a Job When I'm Getting a Check?!

      Recently, I was reading an article that claimed that unemployment benefits caused people to not seek work after being fired/laid off. My initial reaction was a confuse "What!?"  As I read on, this idea began to make more sense me. While the amount of money you may be paid in unemployment benefits is not enough to maintain an enjoyable lifestyle, I can certainly understand why someone who was seeking employment may not accept "lesser" job offers in hopes of coming across something comperable to (or better than) their previous position.  There's a lot less pressure to find a job when you know that at the very least, your electricity wont be terminated and your children won't have to be hungry.  On the other hand, I think it's pretty awful (and honestly, irresponsible) to not even look for employment just because you are receiving those benefits. I feel that this sucks resources away from people who really need the assistance, and are actually making an effort to provide for their families.

      Do you think that receiving state benefits makes a person less likely to seek employment?

      Wednesday, August 4, 2010

      I Might Be Driving Myself Crazy . . .

      Surprise!! I know, who would think that Ms. Understood, non-mommy of the duo, would have the first mommy spotlight. Well, that is because I have a question for all you moms out there. How did you prepare?

      My husband and I look at the cost of day care and get scared. From the date you got that positive test result to the day you took your little one home, how did you get ready ??

      (physically, financially, etc)

      photo credit

      Tuesday, August 3, 2010

      Are you . . . faithful??


      What does being faithful have to do with fashion or beauty?  Let me tell you. I am faithful to a particular design line. All of my purses come from this line. And I mean ALL of my purses (wristlets, wallets, coin purses, shoulder bags, etc.) come from this line. Are you faithful to that one designer?  Or do you shop around?  What are you "go to" stores for your purses?  Do you have a limit on what you will spend?

      Monday, August 2, 2010

      Last Hurrah..

      What traditional elements come to mind when you think about getting married?  Engagement photos, announcements in the newspaper, deciding venues, ......a bachelor/bachelorette party?  These days, it seems to be a rare occurrence to not spend the night before the wedding engaging in levels of debauchery that range from "innocent fun with friends" to "let's never speak of this again."  I'll weigh in with my opinion in the comments, but I would love to hear from you guys.  Did you or your spouse have a bachelor/bachelorette party?  What did you do?  Where do you draw the line between having a good time and cancelling the wedding?  If you're not married, do you plan on having a "last hurrah?" Will you allow your spouse to?

      Sunday, August 1, 2010

      What you've been waiting for . . .

      Hey ladies,

      Welcome!!! We are so excited to launch this blog. In an effort to connect with, learn about, and share more with our fellow bloggers, we wanted to start a blog with a topic of the day.

      Everyday, Monday through Friday, there will be a new conversation topic.
      Mondays hot topic will be Relationships and Intimacy
      Tuesdays we will dabble in Fashion and Beauty
      Wednesdays we will discuss three Ps - Planning/Pregnancy/Parenting
      Thursdays will focus on Current Events
      Fridays will be a special treat . . . a Wild Card, which could feature a topic of the day from YOU!

      To keep everyone together, comments in each topic will close 48 hours after the topic posts.  Stop in once a day or several times a day. We want to talk to YOU!! The Ground Rule is both singular and simple.  Let's be respectful of each others' differences of opinion.

      Bring us your suggestions for conversations, submit your website to our blog roll and make yourself at home!  And while you're here? Well....Tell Us Something Good!